Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beer and Bucks

Promoting your bar takes a lot of your time and money.  So how can you get the most bang for your buck?  If you haven’t started text marketing for you bar or restaurant then you need to start today.  The world has changed with the invention and mass production of smart phones, so make sure you are in the game and taking advantage.
Two great companies for text promotions are and  You can start with a small plan and pay as you go for as little as $10 a month.  Local newspaper and magazine ads are usually at least 10-50 times this amount so you really don’t have an excuse for not taking advantage of this means of advertising.  Basically you can save money while getting right in front of your customers...sounds like a no brainer doesn’t it?  I’ve never seen anyone not read a text that’s sent to their phone, have you?  Now when you host special events or promotions you can send reminders directly to your customers.
Building your Customer Database

To make text marketing work you will obviously need to build your list of cell phone numbers.  First, contact you beer or liquor companies
and ask them if they will print you a banner to read “Text in to win a free keg party.”  Then have your staff urge the customers to opt in for the prize.  I would set a “1 in 10” chance of winning the keg party.  Why so low you ask?  We want to build the contact list and make money, so having multiple winners will pay off in the long run.  The keg only costs you around $40-60 and brings many positive benefits that provide a win-win scenario:
1. The winner brings 10-30 people into your place for that night, so you start off with a great atmosphere for a fun environment.
2. Many of the people invited have not been to your establishment, so it brings new customers in the mix.
3. Not everybody in the party is going to drink beer, so you will usually make pretty good sales on liquor items.
4. They always order food....More sales!!!! 

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